It was 53 years ago on 3rdJuly that Brian Jones died. I few weeks ago I visited his grave in Cheltenham.
Last time I was there, was in 1984 with Hobo, who back then had already been a big star in Hungary as the leader of the Hobo Blues Band. He was the lyricist and singer of the band and in the 70s translated many lyrics of the Rolling Stones into Hungarian and performed the songs in front of thousands of young people who had not had the chance to see the Stones live – communism was still alive and kicking. I remember a Hobo concert where I witnessed the police set Alsatian dogs on kids who got too carried away by the spirit of Hobo and by the music. In the summer of 1984 Hobo visited London, I had a1970s Austin Maxi hatchback (not a Lada!) and we drove to Cheltenham to pay our respect to the founder of the Rolling Stones. I have no idea how we found the cemetery and the grave because even a few weeks ago I found it hard to locate it.
Brian Jones is believed to have been the (or one of the) first slide guitarist in the UK and I have always admired his style. Here’s my modest offering to him; one day I’ll write a song about him – with slide guitar of course! Re this video:I couldn’t play by the grave for too long, I was worried I’d be kicked out and some guy in a van did stop and shouted “sacrilege!”. In the end, I took the video footage that I had to s studio where I added my music to it.
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