GREETINGS TO ALL PUNKS! I know that there are never-ending discussions as to when and where Punk kicked off. I, for one, don’t care and have decided that it is now 45 years since it properly started. Here’s my musical offering “If The Punks Could Do It (You Can Do It Too)”, conceived in my bedroom/living room in London in 1996 and recorded a few years later on a Tascam 4 Track cassette recorder. I had a blast recording it. Standout moments were the drooping microphone stand, which resulted in me having to follow the descending mike whilst recording the vocals, first on my knees then lying flat on the floor. The drums were a wooden spoon with which I bashed two big Austrian hiking boots with a bit of reverb thrown in. As for the lyrics, I still like the lines: “Remember punks hated hippies, now all the hippies are dead. But Punks never die, they just go rotten instead”- and this was written 25 years ago. Punk’s not dead!
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